Rain or Shine Volunteers Are Vital
Thank You Volunteers! We *Literally* Couldn't Do It Without You!
Volunteers are vital to our ability to connect fresh food with hungry people.

"Collecting the vegetables in the rain for a great cause like Second Chance was worthwhile by itself, yet the bigger reaction from me was how very grounded this experience left me feeling. It seems often when we do something for someone else, we appear to benefit more. So, yes, I recommend other people volunteer to glean at Hilltop Farm. Who knows what benefit you may receive in addition to helping a very worthy cause, Second Chance, in feeding our neighbors." - Maggie
Monday Gleaners at Hilltop
The last two Mondays at Hilltop have been rainy, muddy, and hard days for gleaning. However, if we didn’t glean all those delicious and incredibly nutritious green beans, carrots, kale, tomatoes, and so much more would stay in the fields instead of feeding those in need.
We are so thankful to Maggie (who showed up both rainy days) and Girl Scout Troop 1386 for joining us this week. This small team of hard workers even got done early!

Rainy Orchard Days
Confirmation candidates from St. James the Apostle came prepared to harvest apples and pears on a soggy day. We were so impressed that these young harvesters didn’t complain about the weather (or getting drenched) and how quickly they worked – this small group filled the van with apples and pears in only an hour! Orchard Harvesting opportunities are posted regularly on our Sign Up Genius and shared on Facebook. Stay tuned – next week we’ll share some of our favorite apple recipes that were possible because of these harvests.
Don't They make It Look So Fun?!
All the rain has been wonderful for the crops, and we expect to glean through October and into November, likely on some wet and cold days. We’re excited that this special opportunity to provide such fresh food to our recipients will continue but we need your help to keep it up! It’s not for everyone, but if this sounds like the job for you, we hope you’ll sign up – and join us no matter the weather. And don’t forget, there are plenty of ways to get involved that don’t require working outside, heavy lifting, or special kitchen skills. All the rain has been wonderful for the crops, and we expect to glean through October and into November, likely on some wet and cold days. We’re excited that this special opportunity to provide such fresh food to our recipients will continue but we need your help to keep it up! It’s not for everyone, but if this sounds like the job for you, we hope you’ll sign up – and join us no matter the weather. And don’t forget, there are plenty of ways to get involved that don’t require working outside, heavy lifting, or special kitchen skills.

Thank you to ALL our volunteers!
We're consistently in awe at the commitment of our regular volunteers, who show up week after week
and are always grateful for any amount of time you can give to nourish our neighbors.