Sponsorships & Ad Sales Available now!
Show your community support and commitment to food justice with a sponsorship!
Your sponsorship ensures that more healthy food reaches the tables of our hungry neighbors in need and exposes your business to a like-minded audience who cares about the food justice.
- Full Page Color Ad in Program
- 8 Event Tickets
- Verbal Recognition
Plus Logo Listed:
- On all event signage
- Event Website
- E-News Recognition
- Social Media
- Virtual Ad at Event
- 1/2 Page Color Ad in Program
- 4 Event Tickets
- Verbal Recognition
Plus Logo Listed:
- On all event signage
- E-News Recognition
- Social Media
- Virtual Ad at Event
- 1/4 Page Color Ad in Program
- 2 Event Tickets
Plus Name Listed:
- On all event signage
- E-News Recognition
- Social Media
- Virtual Ad at Event
a la Carte
Program Ads
Show your community support and gain recognition with a donation for an ad in our event program!
All ads will be in full color.*
Ads or Logos need to be submitted to Stephanie@SecondChanceFoods.org by September 13, 2024, to guarantee inclusion in the program. Full page ads are 5.5′ wide ‘x 8.5” tall – Half page ads are 5.5” wide x 4.25” tall – Quarter page ads are 2.75″ wide x 4.25″ tall.
*Design help is available if needed.
Become a Sponsor or purchase ad
Your sponsorship ensures that healthy food reaches the tables of our hungry neighbors in need!
Interested in paying offline via check or other? Fill out the form above and select ‘check’.
Mail payment to 120 Marvin Ave, Brewster, NY 10509