Spotlight on Community Action Partnership!

A Special Community Partnership Spotlight!

Community Action Partnership (CAP)

Last week we highlighted a few differences between the various types of hunger relief organizations. One of Second Chance Foods’ first partnerships was with Putnam Community Action Partnership (CAP) which does fantastic work in Putnam County to assist low-income individuals through various programs. While many people think Putnam CAP is only a food pantry, they offer so much more than feeding programs. Their Services Coordinator works to engage clients on a longer-term basis, and help them assess their barriers to being self-sufficient, develop a plan to address these issues, and help provide and/or connect them with services to advance their situations. 


We’re so proud to work alongside Putnam CAP to nourish more of our community members in need of food assistance.

"This partnership is so valuable because we are addressing food insecurity in a manner which not only improves the nutritional well-being of low-income individuals, but we are collaboratively expanding and strengthening the food system within Putnam County." - Marisa O'Leary, Director Putnam CAP.

The Partnership

On average, Putnam CAP serves over 400 individuals monthly through their food pantry program and provides over 1,000 meals monthly through their soup kitchen program. In 2017, Second Chance Foods first began donating frozen meals to the food pantry, but the partnership has grown into a genuinely reciprocal collaboration over the last six years! Second Chance Foods provides meals to both the food pantry and the soup kitchen, and Putnam CAP provides foods back to Second Chance Foods that they are not able to utilize.

Always Growing

In addition to regularly providing food, Second Chance Foods was able to cover the Putnam CAP soup kitchen program for two weeks at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when they did not have the staff to cover it. Second Chance Foods interns also help cook and serve in the food kitchen. They even provided samples of the prepared soups to the Putnam CAP food pantry clients, so they know what to expect from the frozen soups they take home!

With An Extra Thank You to Jerry Grant!

Putnam CAP Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen Manager!

It wouldn’t be a proper spotlight of Putnam CAP without thanking the people behind the organization. Jerry has been dedicated to connecting food to people in need even before starting at Putnam CAP. He first got involved over 18 years ago looking for organizations to accept bread from a local deli and hasn’t stopped making meaningful community relationships since! He has been at the forefront of the expansion of networking and collaborations between programs serving food insecure individuals at Putnam CAP and has seen firsthand the growing need for their services. 

"Over the years, we have seen more and more in need of our services. Senior citizens and others on fixed income have been hit hard by the rise in food prices, and their budgets can't support this. You also have families and individuals who have experienced job loss- even prior to the pandemic. COVID has made things even worse with people not being able to go to work and companies closing up. More people now need to rely on programs like Putnam CAP and Second Chance Foods. By us networking, we're able to reach out to more families in need and to support more food pantries helping people." -Jerry. 

Even more Thanks to Marisa O'Leary, Director of Putnam CAP

We also want to thank Marisa, who has served Putnam CAP proudly for nearly 21 years! She began as Services Coordinator, then Assistant Director until recently, taking on the role of Agency Director in 2021. Marisa recently had the opportunity to volunteer in the Second Chance Foods Kitchen with her daughter’s Girls Empowered group. 

"I was so thrilled when the group leader shared that the girls would be helping Martha! The apples being used to make apple sauce and to dehydrate into rings were donated from Putnam CAP (bruised, and past their prime). It was such a full-circle moment for me to have my daughter and I take part in the preparation and preservation process of the food rescued from my own agency!"

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Contact Us

Looking for food?

Though we wish we could nourish everyone in need, Second Chance Foods does not directly distribute meals or groceries to individuals at this time. We utilize existing programs in the community and supplement their food with our meals and groceries. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please refer to our resource page here for our partnerships and local options.

Mailing Address:

P.O.Box 93
Carmel, NY 10512

Kitchen Address:

120 Marvin Ave Brewster, NY 10509

*please note we do not keep "hours" at the kitchen at this time. If you are looking to donate food please contact or call 845-723-1302


General Questions please contact Associate Director Stephanie Purcell 845-723-1311

Volunteer Questions contact Volunteer Coordinator Melissa Paladino 845-723-1309

Contact Form

Second Chance Foods is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

EIN# 81-0996695